Archive | July, 2008

Singleton Classes in Actionscript 3.0

27 Jul

Singleton Classes are based on the Singleton Design Pattern and have a single instance of the class throughout the application. When would one need a singleton class ? A simple example would be a database manager class which would instantiate a connection to the database at the application initialization and have methods for data manipulation […]

Securing your WordPress Blog from Intruders…

22 Jul

I use StatPress on my Blog for statistics management. According to the Plugin’s page on WordPress Statpress is “The real-time plugin dedicated to the management of statistics about blog visits. It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers etc.” It also has a nifty view called Spy which lets you view who visited […]

ESME – The Demo

5 Jul

A couple of days back I had blogged about ESME – The Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment, about how it was initiated, who all are involved and what we are trying to build. As Dennis Howlett mentions in his Blog on SDN, we are a group of individuals from the community who share a dream of […]

Chinpose on your WordPress Blog…

4 Jul

Introduction Friday is Chinposin Day. If the previous line did not make any sense to you, then it’s time you read my good friend Blag‘s blog on Chinposin. What started off as an one off experiment is growing into a full fledged avatar management platform with more and more functionality being added every day. With […]