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The Wincy Code

8 Jun

And more… Robert LongDan sat brooding over the naked body that lay spread eagled on the floor. His brows furrowed as he fixed his gaze on the nether regions of the body. His eyes glazed and he looked up at the glittering sky through the glass ceiling of the Loo’vre. A poke in his ribs […]

The Alienation…

8 Jun

And one more… Scene – I “So what is the least distance the fly must travel to reach from one vertex of the cube to the one exactly opposite to it ? Remember that the cube is hollow and the fly cannot fly !” – Bang ! It was like getting shot point-blank with a […]

To Err… is Human…

8 Jun

Another one dug out from the depths of the old blog…. Err… The baton has been passed. The colors of space have faded into the sunset. From the depths of Core Dumps the Error has risen… The slanting beam of highlight from the sole Breakpoint that was hanging beside a loop cast an eerie shadow […]

The Ground Beneath My Feet…

14 Apr

This is a post I wrote 3 years back when I was trying my hand at creative writing… It was lost in cyberspace until recently when I chanced upon it… Hope you like it… For the uninitiated, 15th of August is the Indian Independence Day… (more…)