Chinpose on your WordPress Blog…

4 Jul


Friday is Chinposin Day. If the previous line did not make any sense to you, then it’s time you read my good friend Blag‘s blog on Chinposin.

What started off as an one off experiment is growing into a full fledged avatar management platform with more and more functionality being added every day. With a avatar timeline per user along with it’s feed, Tiltviewer and many more upcoming features all of which can be found on the Chinposin Blog, this was a perfect platform to develope my first WordPress Widget.

The WordPress Chinposin Widget can be downloaded here and it shows a slideshow of random avatar images from your avatar timeline.


Used these two blogs extensively to understand the basics of creating wordpress widgets. Thanks a lot Tim Trott.

  1. How to Create WordPress Widgets – Lonewolf Online
  2. WordPress Widgets with Control Panels – Lonewolf Online

Used code for the slideshow from DynamicDrive‘s Ultimate Fade-in slideshow (v1.51).

Thanks also goes out to my good friend Oliver Kohl whose SDN Contributor widget was a learning platform for WordPress widget developement for me.

And lastly to Yellopark and Monkchips for Chinposin. You guys are awesome 🙂